Julian Prokay

Full-stack developer with 15 years of experience architecting systems, building teams, and deploying infrastructure

Profile of Julian when he had medium length hair

Work History

TrueBuilt Software

[Jun. 2022 - Feb. 2024]

CTO & Cofounder

  • Hired and lead a team of 5 engineers and 1 designer to produce a pre-construction software suite in the cloud
  • Implemented a modified version of Shape-Up using Linear & Notion to encourage autonomy & increase speed of feature development
  • Key features include: Multiplayer, computer-vision assisted tools, large PDF processing (1000+ page documents), text search
  • Tech: Typescript | NextJS | Vercel | AWS | Python


[Mar. 2021 - Mar. 2022]

Founding Software Engineer

  • Architected and designed a Ruby on Rails API serving a mobile shoppng cart created with NextJS. A Shopify storefront could use AssistAlong to generate mobile-friendly webpages for featured items
  • Developed an automatic reminder system via Twilio and Stripe to support re-purchasing an item via SMS
  • Tech: NextJS | Ruby on Rails | AWS | Shopify


[Feb. 2015 - Feb. 2022]

Principal Software Engineer - Internal Tools

  • Refactored an internal, legacy Scala application responsible for parsing and storing 5+ terabytes of log files per week, migrated the database infrastructure from on-premise to Mongo Atlas, and increased uptime to 99%
  • Created a full-stack Ruby on Rails application to streamline the testing of the Workday application via parallel test execution across a pool of thousands of Amazon EC2 instances saving an individual developer hundreds of hours a month of test time
  • Won a company-wide Hackathon by building a revision control system for the Workday application which was later developed into a production-ready tool
  • Tech: Ruby on Rails | Scala | MongoDB